Welcome to the OLINMUN
2021 Blog!
Here you can find lots of information about the 18th edition of OLINMUN which took place the 5th and 6th of March, 2021.
Enjoy the articles and informative capsules by the Press Corps, videoclips and Committee screenshots. Have a look!
Brief Interview done by Press Corps Member Ileana López Wagner to Elena Luna OlinMUN 2021 Secretary General.
Carlos Sodi Aliseda
Miguel Ángel Muñoz Ponce de León
Keynote Speakers
"The Planet Still Needs Us"
Greenpeace Mexico Director, Gustavo Ampugnani
By Iker Laguna, Press Corps
Greenpeace is an organization focused on raising awareness throughout society in topics related to ecology. Gustavo Ampugnani is a journalist who has achieved admirable things, including the regulations to stop the offshore drilling in the Arctic. This activist has worked for a better world since a very young age. "Las generaciones jóvenes deben tomar la estafeta y el liderazgo para resolver los retos mundiales como el cambio climático", was one of his statements and I found it key to insist on the importance of participating, as young citizens of the world, in the possible solutions to end this environmental crisis.
Gustavo Ampugnani -Green Peace Mexico Director
"Peace Is a Journey"
Jeremy Gilley, Founder of Peace One Day
By Ileana López, Press Corps
Peace One Day is a non-profit organization with the objective to attack major issues of humanity. Jeremy Gilley started his journey with Peace One Day 20 years ago to promote a cease-fire day. He gathered some friends and people who could help with his objective, starting in Afghanistan. Their help in this country resulted in one million people getting vaccinated against polio.
Jeremy Gilley gave a message to the Olinca Staff and Delegates about the importance of their role in promoting peace: "It’s by working together that we can create peace one day."
Jeremy Gilley -Founder of Peace One Day
"Global Citizenship"
Guadalupe Rivas, Amnesty International Mexico
By Emilio Juárez, Press Corps
Amnesty International is the largest human rights NGO with reportedly more than 7 million members and supporters worldwide. It was founded in 1961, and has since then, fought for the betterment of human rights around the world.
Guadalupe Rivas is a former Amnesty International - International Board member and Chair of Amnesty International Mexico. She is currently a volunteer member.
She seeks to inspire young people to take peaceful action whenever we have the chance!
"El problema de los derechos humanos requiere no sólo que estemos más informad@s, sino que nos comprometamos más pasando a la acción."
Guadalupe Rivas, Amnesty International Mexico
European Union Response to the Syrian Refugee Crisis
By Valentin Toscano and Ana Regina Salgado, Press Corps
WHO Turkey implementing Partner Doctors Worldwide
Pelşin Ülgen, a psychosocial services expert from the
Istanbul Refugee Health Training Centre.
The Refugee Crisis started when the Syrian Civil War broke out on March 15, 2011. Since then, the conflict has resulted in the death of an estimated 500,000 civilians; among them, 55,000 are children. The fact that foreign powers such as Russia and Iran have joined the conflict has not made the situation any better. Another reason for Syrians to leave their homes, is the poor infrastructure where 95% of people are missing a good quality healthcare and 70% of them don't have access to clean water. Children don't receive formal education and more than 80% of families live in poverty.
The Syrian refugees that manage to flee lack basic resources, which is why the European Union-funded Refugee Health Training Centres are incredibly important because they provide primary health care and psychosocial-health services now online due to the pandemic. Even though the pandemic took a toll on these services, the Centres continued giving counseling to the families in order to make them aware of possible signs of illness. The World Health Organisation (WHO) also focuses on the linguistic and cultural barriers, and in order to make the health care for the refugee population more effective they train Arabic/Turkish interpreters and integrate them into local health clinics and hospitals. There is also specialised training in mental health care services for both Syrian and Turkish health care workers and jobs for Syrian community health-support staff to care for older and disabled people.
Syrian children in the European Union-funded
Refugee Health Training Centre.
Reid, K. (2021, January 20). Syrian refugee crisis: Facts, FAQs, and how to help. Consulted February 12, 2021, from https://www.worldvision.org/refugees-news-stories/syrian-refugee-crisisfacts#:~:text=Syrians%20are%20leaving%20their%20homes,Syrian%20Observatory%20for%20Human%20Rights.&text=Half%20the%20children%20are%20out%20of%20school.
Innovation at the core of COVID-19 response: If refugees can't reach health services, health services will come to them. (2020, July 20). Retrieved February 12, 2021, from https://www.euro.who.int/en/health-topics/health-emergencies/syrian-crisis/news/news/2020/07/innovation-at-the-core-of-covid-19-response-if-refugees-cant-reach-health-services,-health-services-will-come-to-them
Turning a refugee health challenge into an opportunity in Turkey. (2020, July 20). Retrieved February 12, 2021, from https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/un-high-level-meeting-on-tb/3-syrian-refugee-programme-in-turkey.pdf?sfvrsn=fe7f0252_
Human Rights Violations Against Ethnic Groups
By María Fernanda Galindo, Press Corps
An ethnic group is a social category of the population that, in a larger society, is set apart and bound together by common ties of ethnicity, language, nationality, or culture. Worldwide, these minorities suffer from oppression and human rights violations. The United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner states that they experience violations of "civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights" due to discrimination and racism based on the group’s characteristics.
The origin of their vulnerability is not related to the ethnic group itself, but to the way the community is seen by both people of the same region and outsiders. Rejection is developed because people are usually scared of what is different from them or what isn’t perceived as "normal". We can see this rejection against original ethnic communities in Mexico, since they are too often deprived of their rights, which means they can’t always make their own decisions based on their values and beliefs.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that every citizen of the world has the same rights, regardless of who they are or where they come from. Therefore, our opinion in this matter is that ethnic minorities having access to all their human rights, should be taken as a priority. Ethnic minorities should be allowed to show their true selves and develop their potential as human beings.
People judge others based on the "single story," stereotypes and prejudices. By doing so, they don’t allow themselves to really know how beautiful and diverse cultures are. By empathizing with all individuals, we could notice the spark of humanity that makes us all special and unique in our identity.
In conclusion, if people learned how to empathize, the number of violations would drastically fall.
Indian people protest over the violation of their rights.
Source: https://www.hrw.org/news/2018/01/18/india-unchecked-attacks-religious-minorities
-Unknown. (OHCHR, 2021). Combating Discrimination Against Minorities. 12/02/2021, de Sitio web: https://www.ohchr.org/EN/AboutUs/Pages/DiscriminationAgainstMinorities.aspx
-Unknown . (OHCHR (2021)). Combating Discrimination against Indigenous Peoples. 12/02/2021, de United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner Sitio web: https://www.ohchr.org/EN/Issues/Discrimination/Pages/discrimination_indigenous.aspx
Informative Capsules from selected committees
"The Limits of Freedom of Speech"
By Fernanda Galindo, Press Corps
The International Court of Justice (ICC) debated on the case of former Côte d’Ivoire president Laurent Gbagbo and youth leader Charles Blé Goudé, who were acquitted of crimes against humanity in the wake of 2010 presidential election after their joint ICC trial opened in January 2016. They were both accused of four charges of crimes against humanity: murder, rape, inhuman acts or attempted murder and persecution. The Prosecutor presented two articles that stated that thousands of people were killed by the followers of the accused, but the Majority of the Judges considered that he had failed to submit sufficient evidence to demonstrate the responsibility of Mr. Gbagbo and Mr. Blé Goudé in the attacks to the civilian population. The Majority ruled that their public speeches did not constitute ordering, soliciting or inducing the alleged crimes. The Prosecutor will file a notice of appeal against this decision.
Police escort a group of supporters of former Ivory Coast president Laurent Gbagbo outside the International Criminal Court I The Hague, Netherlands. The Times of Israel, 12 February 2021
(AP/Peter Dejong)
"Human Rights Violations in Social Movements"
By Emilio Juárez, Press Corps
Brazil and El Salvador’s poorest areas, face police brutality, kidnappings and crime. The delegation of Armenia urges the Committee to solve the issue with urgency.
Several countries are questioning Afghanistan’s stance because their country is notorious for its violence against women, police brutality and human rights violations.
Venezuela is questioned because of its police brutality against social movements.
It is clear that their best hope resides on the relentless work of national and international human rights non-governmental organizations.
An opposition protestor, draped in a flag, stands in front of military police in Caracas.
©EPA/Miguel Gutiérrez
"Who’s to Blame for This 30-Year War?"
By Ileana López, Press Corps
The Security Council (SC) committee discussed about finding solutions to address the security threats arising from the situation in the Persian Gulf. The delegate of the United States of America assures that Iran poses a threat to peace and security in the region because it continues to supply weapons to alleged terrorist groups. Therefore, the Delegate urged the Council to extend the arms embargo indefinitely or until it is decided otherwise.
A woman walks past an anti U.S. mural on the former U.S. Embassy’s wall in Tehran, Iran January 7, 2020. Nazanin Tabatabaee/WANA (West Asia News Agency) via REUTERS.
"COVID-19 Crisis Makes Women More Vulnerable"
By Olinmun Press Corps
The main goal for the UN WOMEN committee is to come up with a solution to implement international standards that will benefit girls’ and women’s well-being during this pandemic, as well as to reinforce the current legislation of every country.
Pandemics like COVID-19 have exacerbated not only violence within the home, but other forms of violence against women and girls. Violence against female healthcare workers as well as migrant or domestic workers increases. Some groups of women, including human rights defenders, women in politics, journalists, bloggers, women belonging to ethnic minorities, indigenous women, lesbian, bisexual and transgender women, and women with disabilities are particularly targeted by information and communications technology (ICT) violence.
If you want to raise a complaint, you may call 911 or "Línea Mujeres" in the CDMX: 55 56 58 1111
UN empowers women. UNWOMEN
"Protecting the Environment"
By Ileana López, Press Corps
The United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) committee discussed the effects of wildfires on Mozambique’s flora and fauna, due to the fact that this country, as well as others in Southern Africa, are highly affected by wildland fires. Its Delegate stated that their most important issue now is the environmental degradation and over-exploitation of natural resources for the utilization of cropping as well as firewood and charcoal production to supply urban centers. This has resulted in extensive deforestation. One of the steps to recover from this issue is the plan to build new parks and delimiting national reserves.
Gorongosa National Park in Mozambique
"Sharing Initiatives for Better Health Care Systems"
By Ileana Lopez, Press Corps
The World Health Organization (WHO) committee discussed about the challenges the health care systems face worldwide. The delegation of Norway explained their own system, which prompted the interest of the Mexican delegate to adapt Norway’s initiative to Mexico’s reality.
Health Care System in Norway, InterNationsGO!
"United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) Syrian Refugee criss Worsened by COVID-19 in Europe"
By OLINMUN Press Corps
Over 5.6 million people have fled Syria since 2011, seeking refuge in Lebanon, Turkey, Jordan and other countries. Syrian homes and families have been destroyed by bombings and shootings. Turkey shelters the largest number of Syrian refugees, 3.6 million people. UNHCR provides life-saving humanitarian aid for Syrian refugees, helping the most vulnerable with cash for medicine and food, stoves and fuel for heating, insulation for tents, thermal blankets and winter clothing. For those who have been displaced but remain in Syria, UNHCR provides shelter kits and non-food items as well as protection services and psychosocial support. Beyond the immediate emergency, continued support to national systems is a priority. Crucial steps have been taken to ensure that refugees are included in countries’ national public health responses to COVID-19, in addition to the long-standing access for refugees to other services such as education. The Syria Refugee Response and Resilience Plan in 2020 is currently updating its requirements in light of the additional needs related to COVID-19. The US$5.5 billion plan was only 20 per cent funded across the region before the onset of the virus. The Committee has to reach an agreement on how to support sheltering countries
Syrian refugees Mustafa and Sherin stand with two of their children,
Nadia, 12, and Muhammad, 10, outside their home in Amman during the
COVID-19 lockdown. They fled Damascus in 2013.
UNHCR/Mohammad Hawari.
Closing Ceremony
OLINMUN 2021 has come to an end, and we would like to once again extend our recognition and thanks to all the delegates and advisors from the 20 participating schools: Colegio Hebreo Tarbut, Colegio Carol Baur, Instituto Piaget, Colegio Arjí, Queen Mary School, Instituto D'Amicis, Preparatoria UP, Instituto La Paz, Instituto María P. de Alvarado, Colegio Buena Tierra, Centro Escolar Cedros, Colegio Williams, Bachillerato Alexander Bain, Greenvalley School, Schulfarm Insel Scharfenberg High School, The Roeper School, Madison International School, Colegio Madison Campus Monterrey, Colegio Peterson, and Instituto Educativo Olinca. Here are some closing words from Olinca's High School Principal and OLINMUN Secretariat Coordinator, Miss Maritere Carrera:
We look forward to seeing you all again in 2022 when OLINMUN returns! Our new Secretary General will be Ivo Occelli Báez, who was duly appointed at the Closing Ceremony by outgoing Secretary General, Elena Luna Palacio.
Watch our Opening ceremony:
Watch our Closing ceremony: